Tuesday 12 March 2013

What is the most important thing you learned in our GNML online program?

The most important thing that I learned here is knowing that everybody is trying their best to find solution for their country's issues. Everyone wants to take part of making movement towards development, and I really appreciate what they do. I do interested watching their videos. So, after I got picked for the program, I couldn't believe it because my friends did better than me. I hope this program will be one of our important thing in life by making us to be a better ideal person in finding solution, learning new stuff, and of course knowing each other.

What was the most challenging experience of our GNML online program?

The most challenging experience is to dig in our own issues that we are about  to present. I need to read more about my issues and keep digging in about it. My issues is hard to actualize because it needs government's support, but it would be really helpful for my country if my solution can be heard by the government. I am a student and I want to make school better for all of us here and it takes time I think to create all of that. I hope I could be able to realize it and make my country better.

What was the most rewarding experience of our GNML online program?

Being in online class or we can say online community that gathers exchange students from different countries is such an exciting experience. Rewarding, of course, and such a great honor to present our country. Sharing ideas and learning others stories come along great too. I think the most rewarding experience in GNML online program is when we can be a person who is able to present their country by sharing issues and finding the solution along the way. I didn't know that online networking could be such a big deal in our life, and actually it is. So, I am so grateful that I can be a part of GNML online program.

Friday 1 March 2013

Education cost

This is my video about Education cost in Indonesia! Enjoy!

I made this with After Effects. It's kinda cool isn't it?